SoCal Volleyball Club History: A Journey of Competition and Kindness Since 2003

Discover the inspiring history of SoCal Volleyball Club and its 20-plus-year heritage. Fueled by our Directors’ passion for volleyball and the desire to create a competitive yet inclusive program, they embarked on a journey in 2003 that has shaped the club into what it is today. Let’s dive into the remarkable story behind the inception of SoCal Volleyball Club and how it has evolved over the years.

Join SoCal Volleyball Club: Be a Part of Our History

Are you searching for a volleyball club that embodies the perfect blend of competition and kindness? Look no further than SoCal Volleyball Club. With a rich history rooted in the vision of its founders, the club provides a nurturing environment for athletes to thrive. Experience the legacy firsthand and join a community that is passionate about volleyball, personal growth, and building lasting friendships.

Directors Scott and Aimee

The history of SoCal Volleyball Club is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance.

From its humble beginnings in 2003 to its present-day success, SoCal Volleyball Club remains committed to its mission of nurturing athletes’ talents and character. Be part of this remarkable journey.