Hi 14-Mercedez !
Your team photo appointment is this week on Saturday, February 11 at 12:15 PM. Please arrive on time because the photographer will take the team photo first, then the individual player and coach photos. All players will have their photos taken. Photos will take approximately 15 minutes.
How to purchase photos
The photographer will collect this order form on Picture Day. You may pre-print or use forms available onsite. Click here to view sample products.
What to wear
- Local Players, wear your jersey, black spandex, white crew socks, and volleyball shoes.
- Travel Players, wear your blue jersey, black spandex, white crew socks, and volleyball shoes.
- Coaches, wear your blue long sleeve SoCal shirt and black pants.
Can’t make your team’s scheduled time?
Click here to schedule your make-up Picture Day.
Click here to schedule your make-up Picture Day.
Email us at [email protected]