Team 14-Frazee!

It’s a SoCal Travel Team tradition to fulfill a holiday wishlist for a child or young adult at Casa de Amparo. Click the following link to view your team’s holiday wishlist: 14-Frazee Wishlist

Typically, a team parent will help coordinate this project and ask each team member to contribute a gift off the list, or make a small donation, and the team parent buys the items. Don’t stress about getting everything on the list. Do the best you can, and don’t overstretch yourself.

Drop off all unwrapped gifts at SoCal Volleyball Club between Saturday, December 16th (8:00 am – 6:30 pm) and Sunday, December 17th (8:00 am – 6:30 pm). Please do not bring gifts before December 16th.

Watch this video to learn more about Casa de Amparo and how to fulfill this community service project for your team.

✍️ And a note for you…